Discover The Best Collection Of Science-Backed Tools To Relieve Stress & Worry

Not Your Average One-Size-Fits-All Solution

Arm Yourself With Proven Methods, Beat Anxiety Today

If you’d like the best, research-backed tools to heal an anxious mind and body, in an easy-to-use format you can take on-the-go…

Here’s a method that’s making life calmer and less stressful for people like you.

Hi, I’m Trevor Hanson, a Licensed Marriage & Family Therapist.

Today, I’m blessed to have a sense of peace and calm in my life - but it wasn’t always this way. For years I struggled with anxiety, insecurities about myself, and fear of the future. 

After extensively researching the world's best information on anxiety, and spending hundreds of hours working with others in my practice, I finally discovered the truth:

No One Approach To Anxiety Is Right For Every Person

It’s why, when I was looking to create a course on this topic for my students, I knew I needed something a bit more unique.

The Anxiety ToolKit is the result of that insight:

The Anxiety ToolKit

How The ToolKit Works In 3 Easy Steps

Step 1

I guide you on how to use these amazing tools through a series of short instructional videos, so you can easily implement them in your life.a

Step 2

You practice using the tools when your mind and body are calm. This makes it easier to follow through when the crap hits the fan, and you’re feeling out of control.

Step 3

You’ll use the calming and grounding tools in the moment, anytime you feel anxious or overwhelmed. From then on, simply revisit the ones that work for you whenever you need to.

It’s that simple.

Many students find that between the mindsets revealed in the ToolKit and regularly using the tools, their body soon acquires a more permanent sense of calm.

This effectively resets your default so you enjoy more peace of mind, knowing you can also return to the tools if needed.

And hey, like I said, I know that not every approach is right for every person. 

So, to help you decide if it’s for you…

Here's a Sneak Peek Into The Anxiety ToolKit

Proven tools to help you decrease anxiety and increase calm

(Including a variety of techniques from CBT to narrative therapy, mindfulness, and more)

Breakthrough exercises to identify and change anxiety causing thought patterns

(So you enjoy more peace and stability, and less emotional rollercoasters)

How to instantly reduce anxiety in the moment using simple biology

(Your nervous system and body hold the key!)

Little-known practices that expand your sense of purpose and shrink anxious thoughts

(You CAN live a more fulfilling and less worry-filled lifestyle)

Simple activities that build the habit of seeing life in a more grounded way

(This may not sound like much, but it’s extremely powerful!)

Stop “automatic” negative beliefs that lead to feeling anxious and fearful

(And how these thoughts may actually being trying to help you)

How to master of your own emotions by relating to them in new ways

(This simple understanding that puts you back in the driver’s seat)

9 guided video training sessions with simple exercises, meditations, and anxiety-reducing practices

(Plus, a grounding audio file you can take on-the-go!)

A powerful mindfulness meditation to stop overthinking the past or worrying about the future

(Release your fears and develop present moment awareness)

And so much more!

That’s just a taste of what’s inside The Anxiety ToolKit.

I wanted every aspect of this to be simple, actionable, and effective. From now on, you’ll have plenty of options to help with anxiety or stress, no matter where you are. 

These tools have worked for me, and for countless others.

Don’t just take my word for it…

Here’s What Students Are Saying About 
Their Results With The ToolKit:

I know now what to do when anxiety hit at the door


“I've been using the anxiety tool kit that last few days and it really helps me to understand my anxiety, where it comes from and how to help it. It really makes a difference in my life as I know now what to do when anxiety hit at the door, Thank you so much!”

I'm so excited to use these tools

“I'm working with the anxiety tool kit and I am very happy I started it! I'm so excited to use these tools on the way to more peaceful living!”

Doesn't promote fake positivity but instead encourages you to honor your emotions

 “It's helped me view anxiety as something I can interact with instead of something that controls me. It's refreshing to listen to someone who doesn't promote fake positivity but instead encourages you to honor your emotions and navigate them in a more effective way. Thank you!”

Great process to go through if you have a hard time identifying how to work with your anxiety

“I recently went through the Anxiety Toolkit and I loved how Trevor identifies with what he talks about, different ways to work with and understand our anxiety and how to live with it. Great process to go through if you have a hard time identifying how to work with your anxiety.”

The Anxiety ToolKit PDF Workbook

Inside this workbook, you'll find 20+ pages of guided activities, instructions, and journal prompts designed to help you decrease anxiety and increase a sense of calm. 

This takes the tools in the ToolKit one step farther, building the skills to better recognize and deal with underlying stressors, so you can enjoy a calmer, less stressed-out life.

Normally priced at $37, it's free to you only when you sign up for the course today.

So, if you’re interested, fill out the form below to get started:

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Frequently Asked Questions

Can I go at my own pace?

Yes! The Anxiety ToolKit is less of a course and more of a box of tools for finding relief from anxiety. You can use them as you wish.

Do I need to pay monthly?

Nope! The Anxiety ToolKit is yours for life after purchase.

How do I know if this is for me?

If you are looking for guided practices and tools for reducing anxiety, stress, and worry the Anxiety ToolKit is for you.

Can I access the ToolKit from anywhere?

Yes! As long as you have a wifi connection you can access all of it.

Licensed Marriage and Family Therapist

Trevor Hanson a licensed Marriage and Family Therapist who specializes in helping individuals overcome and heal anxious attachment, insecurities, and negative relationship patterns.

After overcoming his own anxious and insecure patterns Trevor made it his mission to help others to do the same.

©2024 The Art of Healing Company, LLC

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